IRTECON has its own line of products that can be grouped into families based on their application:
- Emulsifiers for the production of Anionic and Cationic Bitumen Emulsions of any kind of setting times
- Additives for emulsions and asphalt mixes
- Polymers for the production of Polymer Modified Bitumen or for High Performances Hot Mix Asphalt
- Rejuvenators RAP rejuvenators are specific additives, which consist of an aggregate of special chemical agents whose function is to provide the lost components to the aged bitumen.
- Antistripping Agents Química de los Pavimentos ofrece al mercado una gama de actuantes de adhesividad, basándose principalmente en polímeros orgánicos que mejoran tanto la adhesividad activa como pasiva.
- Coloring Systems There are different solutions to obtain colored paving depending on the type of traffic and the purpose for which they are designed (pedestrian areas, with vehicle traffic, security areas, limited access areas, etc.)
- Reology Modifiers Para algunas aplicaciones los ligantes bituminosos convencionales no tienen propiedades adecuadas para cumplir con los requisitos deseados. En este caso puede ayudar la incorporación de ciertos aditivos que modifican las propiedades reológicas de los betunes mejorando ciertas características.
All these products are manufactured by companies with the highest environmental and work safety standards.