
El sector de la construcción de carreteras requiere una evolución continua de los sistemas de trabajo para adecuarlos a las necesidades de prestaciones cada día mas altas o para responder a los compromisos medioambientales y de seguridad y salud mas rigurosos. Con este fin ha sido desarrollada (y siguen desarrollándose) una línea de productos que pueden ayudar las empresas en conseguir estos objetivos.

ADDIRTEC-1 is a concentrated additive used as a break controller for micro paving emulsions. ADDIRTEC-1 must be neutralized in the aqueous phase with hydrochloric acid (HCl) before use.

Ficha Técnica:

COLDIRTEC is a cold asphalt mix made with selected aggregates and a special bituminous base. binder for patching roads.

Data sheet:

FIBIRTEC PB is a cellulose fiber pre-moistened in bitumen with stabilizer. Behavior used for the production of special bituminous mixtures such as porous asphalt, SMA and micro pavements.

Data sheet:

NF-IRTEC is an additive used to reduce foaming during emulsion production, handling and shipping.

Data sheet:

TELCO-ICE is a powder (filler) specially designed to be used on roads with icing problems on the surface.

Acts as an antifreeze agent. With the use of TELCO-ICE, the consumption of salt in the pavement is reduced, substantially reduced in winter.

Data sheet:

TOPIRTEC is a product based on styrene-acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion resistant to abrasion and the aggressive action of fuels and kerosene designed to protect bituminous composite pavements.

Data sheet:

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